Sunday, January 25, 2009

This blog is still under construction

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When discussing the issue of social inequality,
there's an issue which often rises above all others.
expose this hidden form of 'verbal' inequality.
Anytime I attempt to have a rational discussion with a Woman,
she'll Stop-At-Nothing to force me into silence.
And this goal is best achieved by establishing that 'history is on-her-side'.
Therefore, I have no justifiable right to dare argue against her.

Did you ever try arguing with a woman, because the media is clearly biased against men?
Do you remember her response?
She probably just kept-on fighting against you, in a most disrespectful manner
. ....As she typically began chanting with religious fervor:
Always reciting excerpts from hard-cover text books.
"Thousands of years ago, women were treated like mere Cattle".
Yup, that's how she argues. Always trying to 'bog me down' ...with an unbeatable situation.
That's psychology, not history.

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People tend to search for the best argument which is available to them.
Example: she digs into our newspaper archives, in search of material deemed offensive to women.
(in fact, that's exactly what she's hoping for).
…Which she then intends to use, merely to create a totally hopeless situation, against her adversary.

And I want to erase these overall stigmas.

But we must first view issues from an entirely new perspective.
Let's examine the "Voting" issue, for example.

(bookmark 12) ******** The following sentence might seem somewhat difficult to comprehend:
Actually, being denied the right-to-vote gave her a huge Social Advantage, rather than a disadvantage.
Trust me! She wouldn't want it any other way.
How is this possible ?????
Basically, it enables her to control the entire discussion.
(these stigmas enable a powerful argument at her disposal)
…After all, what could be more appealing than to be the victim of a
nice, convenient injustice? …Right?
Plus, it hides the fact that women were actually given all major Social Privileges at that time.
Those privileges are certainly evident when observing relations amongst today's peers.
And our current interactions reflect society beliefs, in general.

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(Please remember: our lives exist beyond the political spectrum)
Also, she's given a sense of righteousness, because of prevailing dogma..
(in other words: she's the good one, the 'fair sex', who's never wrong. These definitions are Blatant Superiority).
While at the same time, everyone becomes sympathetic toward her, as well.
Let me rephrase that remark: "Everyone Takes Sides with her, always".
If you're still not convinced: simply observe a typical newspaper from the late 1800's.
Femme groups were quite vocal, throughout the media at that time.
Plus, these same vocal advantages were given to average ladies, in general.
Basically, she was given extra "moral support".
Thus, it actually worked greatly to her advantage, when being denied certain political liberties.
But aside from that…. basically: it's just plain desirable to exist under these circumstances.

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(hmmmm, the above notion might sound highly unusual.
But it's necessary to develop a better understanding of "human nature".
I could mention several aspects:
For starters: people love to complain.
Plus, when she's the humble victim, odds are consequently stacked in her favor.
Or, one might say, she's conveniently given Mediacratic & political issues at her disposal.
….which literally becomes her 'safety zone'.
In crude terms: She wants the Bullshit.

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Ironically, I could very well use similar unrealistic dogma against them.
You see, for virtually all of world history,
the male members of nearly every species has been oppressed by female tyranny.
Female wasps, for example, are quite violent. I could even argue that female reptiles are merciless hunters.
Okay, okay... let's stop all of this DUMB TALK, and get down to reality.
….and that's just my point. Throw down your books, and open your eyes.

I keep emphasizing the fact, that, many ladies are very obsessive, and the material is endless.....

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Once, and for all: women must stop trying to use these silly arguments.
It's her basic intention to continue using "quick responses" against me.
She searches for examples of "female oppression",
merely to insure that I couldn't possibly win-an-argument against her.
It's a paradox.
*****Let's use the term "SURE SHOT" to describe this whole process.

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Now, here's a funny story:
I've personally recognized this "Geo-Political" bullshit since the time I could barely read or write.
*****as a child, I used to call it, "EASY PICKINS".
And I quickly realized: that it always placed men into an "un-winnable" situation.
That's the main reason why women often steer toward this "literary" dogma.
But everyday reality paints a much different portrait.
So, let's throw our text-books into the garbage, and begin living without these stigmas.
The media keeps holding us down, and preventing us from developing our own observation.

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Okay, with all that said and done,
would you like me to repeat the entire discussion regarding Female-privilege?
It really shouldn't be necessary.

Look people…,
Sons, husbands, & boyfriends show the highest regard for their mothers, wives, & ladies in general.
Thus proving:
Reality exists beyond the 2-dimensional pen & ink mentality according to text-book material.
There seems to be an overall "Elevated Social-Status" for women.
And, it's usually met with acceptance & positive feedback.
So, perhaps, that's the beauty of feminine privilege in historical society.
People tend to think it's a wonderful thing.....

So, we must STOP believing that otherwise is the case.
People have come to believe that women are victims,
Merely because we've been taught by the media to believe this notion.
......why do people place more faith in literary dogma,
rather than trusting their own personal experiences, witnessed firsthand ??
I suppose: that's human nature.
Why must we allow the media to control our thoughts?
We must all learn to develop our own ideas, untarnished by outside sources.
Simply open your eyes, and observe the landscape which surrounds you.
And you'll quickly see for yourself, that women are privileged in every possible way.
That's reality.

Afterall, just yesterday, a 6 year old girl began arguing against me.
…and, all-the-while, she kept saying that "women have been the oppressed for
millions of years". ( yea, yea,, Isn't that crazy? Those were her exact words.)
Hmmmmmm, I wonder where she got this silly idea from?
Probably from her single-mother, or, from the Idiot Box.

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